Rabu, 14 Desember 2022

Tugas MK Call Preparation

 Semua bahan tugas dalam MK Call Preparation 

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Nama: Intan Putri Amania Salsabila

Nim: 2320086

Kelas: PBI-5C

Dosen:  Syahrul, S.S, M.Pd

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Selasa, 13 Desember 2022

Teaching Vocabulary

 Teaching Vocabulary to Improve Reading Comprehension

     Vocabulary is vital for comprehending reading texts. Readers must possess a certain number of words, the so-called threshold level, in order to be able to read in L2. This paper provides direct vocabulary instruction techniques, aimed at helping students with a small lexicon to acquire core vocabulary, more important and highfrequency words, at rates that will improve their reading comprehension. Key words: Vocabulary; Collocation; Reading comprehension.

    Reading comprehension and vocabulary are strongly correlated (Seifert et al., 2017). Limited vocabulary knowledge hinders students from comprehending a text (Silva & Cain, 2015). Thus, a priority task for teachers is to boost students’ vocabulary items. Two common ways to build up students’ word power are direct instruction and incidental learning. Direct instruction, also referred to as the explicit approach, is particularly useful for students who have insufficient vocabulary and little exposure to lexical learning beyond the classroom (Nation, 2001).
   In contrast, incidental learning predominantly involves extensive reading. Through encountering words in different contexts, students not only expand their vocabulary but also increase their lexical breadth of understanding (Nation, 2001). Experts agree that a combination of direct instruction and incidental learning is the best way to help students develop vocabulary (e.g. Alderson, 2000; Laufer, 1997; Nation, 2001). This paper illustrates a number of instructional techniques to promote the development of students’ core vocabulary, i.e., the most important and high-frequency words. The acquisition of these words will enable them to read texts suited to their level with enhanced comprehension and fluency.

Senin, 21 November 2022


The Roles of Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship

    Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are important things of the launch each innovative products and services that comes with advanced technology. Entrepreneurship is considered a key factor in economic development. This paper mainly focused on the creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship. Creativity and innovation have become the vital point to enhance the value of entrepreneurship. Creativity help us how to improve existing business practice. Innovation is about making a process that can convert invention or gain idea to become more marketable product or service. The study aims to analyze and elaborate the roles of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship. To study this role, reviewing literature and searching for related material are using the search engines. 

Keywords: Creative, ideas, innovative, university students

Minggu, 20 November 2022

The Effect of Using Educational Games on the Students’ Achievement in English Language for the Primary Stage

 The Effectiveness of Games on Learning a Foreign Language


    This study attempts to determine the role of educational games on learning a foreign language, and to compare games with more traditional practices as effective learning tools on the basic educational stage students at governmental schools in Jordan, an experimental research is conducted using three groups out of six randomly. To determine the relationship between learning a foreign language and educational games among the participants, a one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is performed based on achievement levels. For the relation between educational games and learning a foreign language a Pearson's Correlational analysis is used. The results of the post test for the experimental group are so better than the controlled one which show that games have a good effect on improving the achievement for the primary stage and to create an interactive environment. It is recommended to use games since they are very effective especially for the primary stages in teaching a second language and games are helpful for the teacher as a procedure for language acquisition.